Angel in Hawaii Susan Gemini ~ the New Earth Angel
I Am a Light Worker, Earth Angel, Light Warrior, Wayshower who Serves for The Creator for the Good of All. As a Light Worker ~ Light Warrior also called Earth Angel, Earth Keeper. I Am a Being who Serves to act as a Beacon of Light for the God, the Earth, and Commits Serve all of Humanity. I try to Light the path for all those who are Suffering and Humble and ready to receive in Grace and Sacredness. Because as a Light Worker I have been through Suffering, and Chose Grace and want to Serve God Creator for all the Innocent Ones. I Teach~ To Learn to Remember WHO WE TRULY ARE ! My work with God and Purpose is to assist in Creating the New Earth for all Children, Animals and Elderly, Innocent ones, Law of One, Brothers and Sisters, and all the Earths Elements to Thrive in Healing Abundance and Harmony. If this does not resonate with you to want to be a Beacon of Light to Serve Humanity and Not Self, my Ceremony’s and Healings and Life’s Work with Source Creator may not be for you because it will Shift you into Collective Love with Boundaries… I Serve for God for the Good of All, and Everything I do is Service for the Good of ALL! I Give All My Glory to the One Creator, the One Creator who Created All, and for this Beautiful World & Universe. ~ Susan Gemini
The only reason I Charge $ for my Services is to keep shelter and organic food, and continue to get to the jungles to continue to learn to teach and share to you!
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